
Common features of Dyslexia and Dysgraphia

Common features of Dyslexia and Dysgraphia

You might already know that Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that affects one’s reading skills. While another learning difficulty, dysgraphia, share some similarities, in which both are neurological language-based disorders and present with challenges in spelling....

Dyslexia – Myth vs Scientific Evidence

Dyslexia – Myth vs Scientific Evidence

Different areas in our brain are activated when we read, with areas for language and meaning, speech sounds, letters and text. Typical readers have lots of activity in the regions for language and meaning, but much less so for speech sounds, letters and text. The...

Dyslexia iceberg

Dyslexia iceberg

Reading, writing and spelling difficulties spring to mind when you hear the word ‘dyslexia’. Dyslexia is also a whole lot more, for example, social anxiety, memory recall challenges and stuttering to name a few. Here is a short summary from our team to summarise what...
