Child Behaviour Triggers

Parenting is a journey filled with challenges, but it’s in those moments of feeling triggered that we have an opportunity to empathise, understand, and grow. Here are some supportive ways to handle these situations, fostering better communication and connection with our little ones.

Understanding the reasons behind our reactions is the first step in managing them. This empowers us to respond calmly and empathetically. So, what can we do about it?

💚 Try putting yourself in their shoes, understanding their feelings and behaviour patterns.

💚 Consider your child’s behaviour from an objective standpoint. Approaching the situation with authority or condescension may not always be the most effective approach.

💚 View their “misbehaviour” as a form of communication and address their underlying message. For instance, “I can see how upset you are by throwing things; I’m here for you. Can you tell me what’s wrong?”

💚 Cultivate a positive self-image as a parent, knowing that you’re doing your best to guide and nurture your children. This can reduce the likelihood of being triggered by certain behaviours.

💚 Practice self-regulation before attempting to regulate your child.