
Why does my child ask the same question over and over?

Why does my child ask the same question over and over?

Ever wondered what's really going on when your child asks the same question repeatedly? It's all about their journey of understanding the world around them. Every repetitive question is a step towards grasping the complexities of life. Children often express their...

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Child Behaviour Triggers

Child Behaviour Triggers

Parenting is a journey filled with challenges, but it’s in those moments of feeling triggered that we have an opportunity to empathise, understand, and grow. Here are some supportive ways to handle these situations, fostering better communication and connection with...

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Ways to handle big emotions

Ways to handle big emotions

We understand that parenting comes with its share of challenges, especially witnessing our little ones experiencing big emotions that can be overwhelming for both them and us. Check out the following ways for them to wind down a bit!✨ 1️⃣Create a feeling board: To...

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Positive Parenting – Emotional Coaching

Positive Parenting – Emotional Coaching

Regulating emotions is never an easy task for kids. Emotional coaching purposed by Dr Becky could facilitate positive parenting by setting boundaries, giving empathy and validation that make those big feelings feel a little and smaller to handle. Here is a scenario:...

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Therapeutic Benefits of Hiking

Therapeutic Benefits of Hiking

Hiking is a good opportunity for children to develop their motor skills and executive functioning abilities. It's also a wonderful way to bond as a family. Just remember to start at a comfortable pace based on your family's energy levels.

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Arousal Level

Arousal Level

The arousal level, or "engine," of a child refers to their state of alertness, which can be too high (revved up), too low (running out of gas), or just right (well-regulated). Understanding arousal levels is crucial because it plays a significant role in a child's...

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Co-regulation strategies

Co-regulation strategies

Although we understand the need and importance of supporting our children with co-regulation, but……how do we do it? Here are some ideas for co-regulation strategies. For more information, please get in touch with our Occupational Therapists. At SPOT, our occupational...

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Child behaviour and the deeper meaning

Child behaviour and the deeper meaning

Different types of child behaviour communicate different messages, learning to understand the child’s underlying needs and feelings takes time and practice. It is vital to support the child to explore their feelings, emotions and provide opportunities to explore these...

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Coping Strategies

Coping Strategies

Coping is not something we are born knowing how to do; it’s something we learn how to do with practice. It's never too early or too late to begin learning healthy coping mechanisms, and demonstrating these to your children will make them more resilient. Here are a...

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Better Sleep

Better Sleep

May is known as the better sleep month, which aims to encourage people to develop better sleep habits. We all know sleep can bring us many benefits and is crucial in children’s development. However, some children may find it tricky to fall asleep, easily wake up at...

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